Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Mataku Baru

Waduh senengnya sekarang membaca, menulis dll ngak perlu lagi pake kacamata or Softlense. Sekarang mataku baru setelah 16 tahun gantian pake kacamata dan softlense. Ya Allah puji syukur aku sembahkan kepada-Mu akhirnya doa-doa ku bisa terkabut, hanya Engkaulah ya Allah tempat memohon. Terima kasih pula saya ucapkan kepada kedua orang tua saya, kepada istri tercinta yang menemani dan merawat pada waktu operasi LASIK, tidak lupa saya ucapkan kepada dokter Donny dan JEC. Memang saya akui dibutuhkan keberanian untuk menjalani operasi LASIK ini, setiap orang yang ingin matanya terbebas minus, plus serta penyakit mata lainnya pasti berpikir resiko operasi LASIK ini sampai seberapa jauh. Walaupun mahal apa boleh buat deeh daripada pake kacamata dan lensa kontak. Minus saya sangat tinggi pada waktu pake softlense sekitar minus 9 pada waktu pake kacamata jadi minus 12 waduh kerasa bagaimana beratnya kacamata yang saya pake, belum lagi minder ketemu cewek cewek ya walaupun saya sudah laku tapi dalam pergaulan minder juga laaaah. Ya karena perasaan minder serta kalau pake soflense sering iritasi mata jadi merah akhirnya saya memberanikan diri operasi LASIK. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan yang panjang meliputi cek besar/kecil minus, tekanan kornea sampai topografi kornea mata deeh kalau ngak salah untuk menentuak titik tengah penglihatan akhirnya dokter menganalisa bahwa aman untuk dilakukan operasi LASIK. Wuih awalnya sih deg degan, takut dll deeh, setelah di tetesi obat bius mulai deeh operasi LASIK dimulai, operasi LASIK yang digunakan tipenya Intralase jadi dokter membuat flap atau lapisan pada kornea mata (memotong lapisan atas kornea) kemudian dibawah lapisan tersebut dilaser, harganya lebih mahal dibanding operasi LASIK biasa yang pake pisau iiih ngeri kalau mendengar kata pisau. Pada waktu operasinya sih ngak sakit, tetapi setelah operasi mata rasanya ngilu dan nyeri banget walaupun sudah minum ponstan. Rasa sakit ilang setelah 3 jam baru bisa meilihat samar-samar. Keesokan paginya baru bisa melihat agak terang. Seneng deeh akhirnya bisa melihat lagiii.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

When is LASIK not for me?

You are probably NOT a good candidate for refractive surgery if: - You are not a risk taker. Certain complications are unavoidable in a percentage of patients, and there are no long-term data available for current procedures. - It will jeopardize your career. Some jobs prohibit certain refractive procedures. Be sure to check with your employer/professional society/military service before undergoing any procedure. - Cost is an issue. Most medical insurance will not pay for refractive surgery. Although the cost is coming down, it is still significant. - You required a change in your contact lens or glasses prescription in the past year. This is called refractive instability. Patients who are: - In their early 20s or younger, - Whose hormones are fluctuating due to disease such as diabetes, - Who are pregnant or breastfeeding, or - Who are taking medications that may cause fluctuations in vision, are more likely to have refractive instability and should discuss the possible additional risks with their doctor. - You have a disease or are on medications that may affect wound healing. Certain conditions, such as autoimmune diseases (e.g., lupus, rheumatoid arthritis), immunodeficiency states (e.g., HIV) and diabetes, and some medications (e.g., retinoic acid and steroids) may prevent proper healing after a refractive procedure. - You actively participate in contact sports. You participate in boxing, wrestling, martial arts or other activities in which blows to the face and eyes are a normal occurrence. - You are not an adult. Currently, no lasers are approved for LASIK on persons under the age of 18. PrecautionsT he safety and effectiveness of refractive procedures has not been determined in patients with some diseases. Discuss with your doctor if you have a history of any of the following: - Herpes simplex or Herpes zoster (shingles) involving the eye area. - Glaucoma, glaucoma suspect, or ocular hypertension. - Eye diseases, such as uveitis/iritis (inflammations of the eye) - Eye injuries or previous eye surgeries. - Keratoconus Other Risk Factors Your doctor should screen you for the following conditions or indicators of risk: Blepharitis. Inflammation of the eyelids with crusting of the eyelashes, that may increase the risk of infection or inflammation of the cornea after LASIK. Large pupils. Make sure this evaluation is done in a dark room. Younger patients and patients on certain medications may be prone to having large pupils under dim lighting conditions. This can cause symptoms such as glare, halos, starbursts, and ghost images (double vision) after surgery. In some patients these symptoms may be debilitating. For example, a patient may no longer be able to drive a car at night or in certain weather conditions, such as fog. Thin Corneas. The cornea is the thin clear covering of the eye that is over the iris, the colored part of the eye. Most refractive procedures change the eye’s focusing power by reshaping the cornea (for example, by removing tissue). Performing a refractive procedure on a cornea that is too thin may result in blinding complications. Previous refractive surgery (e.g., RK, PRK, LASIK). Additional refractive surgery may not be recommended. The decision to have additional refractive surgery must be made in consultation with your doctor after careful consideration of your unique situation. Dry Eyes. LASIK surgery tends to aggravate this condition.